Monday, January 7, 2013

My Changed Life

Has cancer changed my life? I am arrogant enough to want to say no. 
But, the truth is it has.... I changed occupations, because I was called a liar about my cancer at my old job. But from what I am told, many people rethink their careers when faced with a life threatening illness. I rode an emotional roller coaster for some time. I was depressed for periods of time. I still cry a lot, just behind closed doors now. But, I think that's only natural. I found out that some of my friends can't cope with cancer and they disappeared, but others are worth their weight in gold. I made a decision to not have radiation, it may turn out later to be the wrong one..... I now always think about recurrence  And recently they just found a "mass" on my ovary. 
Yes, this is my change of life.... 
But perhaps now a better life.

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